It is recommended to always replace both tracks (especially in case of visible wear), as not only the service life of the track but also the machine will benefit from it if it is correctly balanced. Otherwise the performance of the machine will never be at its maximum, as tracks of different brands or production batches have very different technical, mechanical and constructive features, and the use of unpaired tracks penalizes performance and durability of the machine.

Performing regular maintenance on the rubber tracks can significantly contribute to increase the service life of the tracks by reducing and preventing unnecessary downtime. The most immediate but necessary operation is represented by the visual inspection of the tracks and the undercarriage by paying attention to signs of cracks, tears, cuts or excessive wear. Tracks, rollers and tensioners should rotate evenly under stress, therefore the sprockets must not have missing or excessively worn or sharp teeth.

Our tracks are easily identifiable and you will find stamped on the casing:

• our registered trademark
• the serial number for immediate traceabilit

Usage Precautions:

1. We recommend an operating temperature not lower than -28 ° and never higher than 50 °.
2. If you do not use the machine for a long time the crawler must be cleaned of any mud and debris and it should not be exposed for a long time to bad weather and sun, as the rubber deteriorates and is easily altered.
3. Avoid using the rubber tracks on terrains and surfaces with abundant presence of oil, grease or chemical elements in general as they cause corrosion of rubber.
4. Control is of fundamental importance for the correct track tension which should never be neglected.
5. An uneven ground does not cause damage to the track but the presence of sharp elements such as metal residues, glass, cracked stones cause serious damage.
6. Edges of sidewalks and curbs must be overcome by facing them perpendicularly, that is from the front and never obliquely, as it would cause serious damage to the track casing and steel elements, since the entire weight of the machine would be on a limited surface of the track and would not be properly distributed.
7. Balancing the machine on the edge of a sidewalk or curb can damage both the tracks and the undercarriage. 8. Avoid sudden changes of direction because they can cause derailment from the guides, the same thing applies to driving the machine on very inclined surfaces and with the undercarriage parallel to the slope.
9. The moving speed of the machine affects both the wear of the tread and on track itself and the structural elements that compose it, therefore it is always recommends to keep a moderate speed.
10. An excessive use of the front blade or using it to dig in instead of stabilizing the machine causes excessive stress on the tracks.


The undercarriage and tracks must be regularly cleaned from earth and debris.


Regular cleaning of the undercarriage preserves the service life of the track as well as other components.


The tracks must move smoothly without slipping and must not have cuts, tears or cracks.


It is recommended to regularly check the status of the tread and promptly replace damaged tracks.


The rollers must rotate freely and effectively, their state of advanced wear can damage the track guide.


The drive wheels must not be excessively worn or with missing or worn teeth.


An excessively worn tread drastically reduces the traction and holding of the machine.


A poor quality track may show abnormal wear of the rubber and consequent detachment of the steel element.


A guide that has detachments from the steel element can easily cause the roller to come out and derail.


A high quality track maintains the integrity of the guide over time and a compact tread without cracks.

discover the advantages of rubber tracks

Request all information about our products for earthmoving machines.